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€ 71,25

VAT excl. 22%

€ 71,25

Threebond thread lock 250 ml.

TB1305 is an anaerobic reactive adhesive/sealant which cures spontaneously when sealed off from contact with the air between close fitting metallic surfaces. It has been specially developed for locking and sealing threaded parts and fittings with high strength when cured to permanently lock and seal stud bolts, various nuts, bearings, gears and pulleys that will not require subsequent disassembly.

High strength, infrequent removal type.
For studs and bolts.
Eliminates mechanical locking parts such as spring or toothed washers, nylon nuts etc.
Reduces required fastening on torque.
Completely seals against oil, water and most chemicals.
Excellent vibration resistance.

  • Colour: Green

  • Viscosity: 600 mPa.s

  • Effective Temperature Range: –40°C ~ +150°C

  • Fixture time: < 10 mins

  • Break loose torque: 33 Nm (M10 steel bolt)

  • Prevailing torque: 20 Nm (M10 steel bolt)

  • Retaining Strength (Steel): 35 MPa

  • Max thread size or clearance: M20

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